2015年2月12日 星期四



純手工定格動畫超級狐狸先生(Fantastic Mr. Fox )

推薦拍攝手法獨特純手工定格動畫【超級狐狸先生(Fantastic Mr. Fox )】




1996年:《瓶裝火箭》(Bottle Rocket)
2001年:《天才一族》(The Royal Tenenbaums),提名奧斯卡最佳原創劇本
2005年:《水中生活》(The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou)
2007年:《大吉嶺有限公司》(The Darjeeling Limited)
2009年:《超級狐狸先生》(The Fantastic Mr. Fox),提名奧斯卡最佳動畫電影,
2012年:《月昇冒險王國》(Moonrise Kingdom),提名奧斯卡最佳原創劇本
2014年:《歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店》(The Grand Budapest Hotel)


2015年2月9日 星期一

健康的藝術/The Art of Being Well

過年前夕總是繁忙氣氛,個人也忙於整理身心內外細瑣事物除舊佈新,三不五時才想要上線。整理過程再見這篇「健康的藝術/The Art of Being Well」,與各位分享,祝福您身心常能保持愉快,越來越懂得平衡之道,越活越樂活、開心!

The Art of Being Well 
by Dr. Dráuzio Varella

If you don't want to be ill.
...Speak your feelings.
Emotions and feelings that are hidden, repressed, end in illnesses as: gastritis, ulcer, lumbar pains, spinal. With time, the repression of the feelings degenerates to the cancer. Then, we go to a confidante , to share our intimacy, ours "secret", our errors! The dialogue, the speech, the word, is a powerful remedy and an excellent therapy! If you don't want to be ill...

如果我們隱藏和壓制內心的情感和心情,時間一長,壓抑的情感會導致疾病,如胃炎、潰瘍、關節和脊椎的疼痛,最終致癌。 那麼,讓我們去向親密的朋友訴說自己的「秘密」及我們的失誤吧。對話,傾訴和交流是一種很有力的治療良方。

If you don't want to be ill...
...Make Decisions. 
The undecided person remains in doubt, in anxiety, in anguish. Indecision accumulates problems, worries and aggressions. Human history is made of decisions. To decide is precisely to know to renounce, to know to lose advantages and values to win others. The undecided people are victims of gastric ailments, nervous pains and problems of the skin.

優柔寡斷的人逗留在懷疑,焦慮和苦惱之中。 這種做不了決斷的情況會積累成諸多問題,憂慮乃至攻擊性。決斷造就了人類歷史。做出「決定」,確切地說,是指我們知道應該放棄什麼,明白會失去某些利益, 而去獲得其它的東西。猶豫不決的人是腸胃病、神經痛及皮膚病的患者。

If you don't want to be ill...
...Don't Live By Appearances. 
Who hides reality, pretends , poses and always wants to give the impression of being well. He wants to be seen as perfect, easy- going, etc. but is accumulating tons of weight. A bronze statue with feet of clay. There is nothing worse for the health than to live on appearances and facades. These are people with a lot of varnish and little root. Their destiny is the pharmacy, the hospital and pain.

有些人隱藏其真實的一面。總是偽裝自己,盡量想給人一種完美的,隨和的印象。 結果是積累了太多的負荷,尤如一座銅像的底座是黏土一樣。如果太在乎體面或假象,那對健康是很不利的。有人外表光鮮,但健康的根底淺薄,那麼藥房,醫院和痛苦就是他們的終點了。

If you don't want to be ill...
The refusal of acceptance and the absence of self-esteem, make us alienate ourselves. Being at one with ourselves is the core of a healthy life. They who do not accept this, become envious, jealous, imitators, ultra-competitive, destructive. Be accepted, accept that you are accepted, accept the criticisms. It is wisdom, good sense and therapy.

 拒絕接納,缺乏自尊,使我們疏遠了自己。健康生活的核心就是我們面對著我們自己的個體。 如果不明白這一點,就會產生妒忌,仿效,過度的競爭意識。以至破壞性的一面。 我們要包容,要接受他人是如何接納你的,包括接受批評。這是智慧,是很好的意識和治療方法。

If you don't want to be ill...
... Find Solutions.  
Negative people do not find solutions and they enlarge problems. They prefer lamentation, gossip, pessimism. It is better to light a match that to regret the darkness. A bee is small, but produces one of the sweetest things that exist. We are what we think. The negative thought generates negative energy that is transformed into illness.
沮喪的人不去尋找解決問題的辦法,甚之他們把問題擴大化。他們寧願去選擇哀傷,流言和悲觀。 與其抱怨黑暗,不如把燈點亮。蜜蜂雖小,卻給於我們所有最甜的物質之一。 我們是我們想成為的人。沮喪的人會發出悲觀的能量,從而轉化為疾病。

If you don't want to be ill... .
Who does not trust, does not communicate, is not opened, is not related, does not create deep and stable relations, does not know to do true friendships. Without confidence, there is not relationship. Distrust is a lack of faith in you and in faith itself.


If you don't want to be ill... .
...Do Not Live Life Sad. 
Good humor. Laughter. Rest. Happiness. These replenish health and bring long life. The happy person has the gift to improve the environment wherever they live. “Good humor saves us from the hands of the doctor". Happiness is health and therapy.

恰當的幽默,開懷大笑,休息和歡樂,都會增進健康,帶來長壽。 快樂的人都有改善環境的才能,無論他們生活在何處。「幽默讓我們遠離醫生」。 快樂就是健康和治療的良方。


2015年2月5日 星期四









